Angela Alcala
Copy-based Creative Professional
Singapore-based, Manila-raised

I entered advertising nine years ago after leaving my job at a software company. It started when I met a copywriter on a Valentine's Day singles hike who told me his agency was hiring. I didn't find a guy, but I got the job. Moral of the story: stretch before hiking. I was sore the next day. 
Since then it feels like a lifetime of creativity, so I'm convinced there's a time dilation in advertising. I've joined young creative competitions, entered award shows, and eventually struck metal. I must be a middle earth dwarf because I don't mind mining for more. 
I like putting a lighthearted twist to otherwise heavy issues. Whether it's having a boy band sing about infant vaccination, creating a secret gossip group for women's choices, or making funny text stories to promote internet safety. Because I think people tend to remember only the things that make them feel happy.
Hope this made you smile! Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
2022 Senior Copywriter, Dentsu Singapore​​​​​​​
2021 Associate Creative Director, BBDO Guerrero
2017 Copywriter, BBDO Guerrero
2015 Copywriter, MullenLowe
2012 UP Diliman BFA Visual Communication 
Magna Cum Laude | Thesis grant awardee